Bird की लार से बना दुनिया का सबसे महंगा खाना

कल्पना कीजिए कि एक ऐसा व्यंजन जो इतना दुर्लभ और मूल्यवान हो कि उसकी कीमत लगभग 2.5 लाख भारतीय रुपये (3,000 अमेरिकी डॉलर) प्रति किलोग्राम तक हो सकती है। यह सिर्फ एक साधारण भोजन नहीं है, यह है “बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप” – एक ऐसा व्यंजन जो Swiftlet नामक पक्षी की कठोर लार से बनाया जाता है और इसे एशियाई संस्कृतियों में इसके स्वास्थ्य लाभ और विलासिता के प्रतीक के रूप में जाना जाता है। लेकिन इस चमकदार सतह के नीचे, यह कहानी सिर्फ भोजन की नहीं बल्कि संस्कृति, वैश्विक व्यापार और नैतिक दुविधाओं से जुड़ी है। आइए, बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप पर एक नज़दीकी नज़र डालते हैं, इसके मूल्य, सांस्कृतिक प्रतीक और इसके उत्पादन से जुड़ी विवादित कहानियों पर चर्चा करते हैं।

इसकी असली कीमत क्या है?

जब आप बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप के एक कटोरे का आनंद लेते हैं, तो आप केवल एक भोजन नहीं, बल्कि इतिहास का एक हिस्सा अनुभव कर रहे होते हैं – यह एक प्रतीक है धन और संपन्नता का, और एक बहुत ही कठिन प्रक्रिया का उत्पाद। प्रीमियम बर्ड्स नेस्ट की कीमत 3,000 अमेरिकी डॉलर (लगभग 2.5 लाख भारतीय रुपये) प्रति किलोग्राम तक हो सकती है, जो इसे दुनिया के सबसे महंगे खाद्य पदार्थों की श्रेणी में शामिल करती है। ऊँचे दर्जे के रेस्तरां में, एक कटोरे की कीमत 100 अमेरिकी डॉलर (लगभग 8,500 रुपये) या इससे भी अधिक हो सकती है। इस उच्च कीमत का मुख्य कारण है स्विफ्टलेट के घोंसले को दुर्गम गुफाओं से या स्विफ्टलेट फार्मों से निकालने में लगने वाला श्रम, और फिर उन्हें एक-एक करके साफ़ करना ताकि सभी अशुद्धियाँ दूर की जा सकें। प्रत्येक चम्मच में उस मेहनत का स्वाद छिपा होता है जो इसे आपके टेबल तक पहुँचाने में लगी होती है।


Asian Cultures में Status Symbol

एशियाई संस्कृतियों में बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप सिर्फ एक भोजन से कहीं बढ़कर है; यह एक स्थिति का प्रतीक है, जो अच्छे स्वास्थ्य और समृद्धि को दर्शाता है। सदियों से, बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप का इस्तेमाल खास आयोजनों और भोजों में किया जाता रहा है, और यह सम्मान व शुभकामनाओं के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जाता था। यदि कोई अपने अतिथि को बर्ड्स नेस्ट सूप परोसता है, तो इसका … Read More


Most Expensive Food Made with Bird’s Saliva

Imagine a dish so rare, so well-regarded, that it fetches prices as high as $3,000 per kilogram. This is not just some food; this is bird’s nest soup, a delicacy made out of the hardened saliva of swiftlets and known for its purported health benefits and its status as a luxury item in Asian cultures. Yet beneath that glimmering surface, the real story actually involves culture, global trade, and also ethical dilemmas. We go onto take a closer look at bird’s nest soup, examining its cost, the status symbol it has become, the thriving global market, and the controversies surrounding its production.

How Much Does It Really Cost?

So, next time one sits down to savor a bowl of bird’s nest soup, he’s not having just a meal but history-a symbol of wealth and the product of a really painstaking process. Price: It can go up to $3,000/kg for the most premium nests, which would put this delicacy squarely into the realm of the world’s most expensive food. In high-class restaurants, one bowl alone costs $30-$100 or more. This high price reflects the amount of labor involved in collecting the nest from the most inaccessible caves or swiftlet farms and then cleaning it piece by piece to eliminate all impurities. Every spoonful reflects the work and care given to the dish to arrive at your table.


A Status Symbol in Asian Cultures

In most Asian cultures, Bird’s nest soup is just more than food; it is a status symbol, a sign of good health and prosperity. For over centuries, Bird’s nest soup has been served at banquets and landmark occasions and was usually given as a form of respect or to give good fortune. If one serves Bird’s nest soup to a guest, that means giving them one of the best and greatest gifts. This tradition still goes on to this very date. In countries like China and Hong Kong, it’s not uncommon to see bird’s nest products being exchanged as high-value gifts, underscoring their role as a marker of social status and affluence.

Global Trends, Market Analysis, and the GDP Connection

The global market … Read More

jennifer lopez looks

Jennifer Lopez Looking Beautiful and Stunning

Jennifer Lopez aka JLO known for her timeless beauty and fit physique, has always captivated the public with her youthful glow and healthy lifestyle. Here’s a deep dive into Jennifer Lopez beauty, diet, and fitness regimen that keeps her looking beautiful and stunning at any age.


Skincare Routine:
1. Jennifer swears by a consistent and thorough skincare routine. She emphasizes the importance of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing every day. She uses products that are rich in antioxidants and hydrating ingredients to maintain her skin’s elasticity and radiance.

2. Hydration:
Drinking plenty of water is a crucial part of Jennifer’s beauty regimen. Staying hydrated helps to keep her skin plump and clear, reducing the appearance of fine lines and giving her a healthy glow.

3. Sun Protection:
Protecting her skin from the sun is a top priority for Jennifer. She uses a high-SPF sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, to prevent sun damage and premature aging.

4. Regular Facials:
Jennifer regularly treats herself to facials that target specific skin concerns. These facials often include exfoliation, deep cleansing, and hydrating masks to rejuvenate her skin.

5. Minimal Makeup:
Jennifer prefers a natural makeup look, allowing her skin to breathe. She opts for lightweight foundations and emphasizes her natural features with subtle makeup.


  1. Balanced Meals:
    Jennifer follows a balanced diet rich in whole foods. She includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in her meals. This provides her body with essential nutrients and keeps her energy levels high.
  2. Healthy Fats:
    Incorporating healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil is a key part of Jennifer’s diet. These fats are beneficial for her skin, hair, and overall health.
  3. Moderation:
    Jennifer believes in moderation rather than deprivation. She enjoys her favorite treats occasionally but ensures that her daily diet is primarily nutritious and wholesome.
  4. Hydration:
    In addition to drinking water, Jennifer includes herbal teas and natural juices in her diet to stay hydrated and support her overall health.
  5. Supplements:
    To fill any nutritional gaps, Jennifer takes high-quality supplements, including vitamins and minerals that support her skin, hair, and overall well-being.

Fitness Regimen

  1. Regular
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The Diet and Fitness Routine That Keeps Shakira in Shape

Shakira is well past her youth but she’s still an icon for youths. She has defied aging with healthy eating habits and a strict exercise regimen. With age, her popularity is also increasing. If social media is any indication of popularity, she’s one of the most popular pop stars with 91M followers on Instagram. Called “one of the most influential and beloved artists of all time”, Shakira draws huge crowds to her live performance events.

A Singer, Songwriter, and Dancer

Shakira’s personality presents a fine blend of singing, songwriting, and dancing. She has all these traits. Also, all her traits work well for her. She started with singing and kept working despite initial setbacks. Then she moved to songwriting and started dancing as well. She developed all the qualities needed to rule the stage and hearts of people. Her fans love her voice, songs, and dance steps.

A Fitness Icon

If dancing is an exercise, Shakira’s fitness secret could be her dance moves and steps. She is in perfect shape despite being in an advanced age. Here’s her body measurement:

·         Height: 5′ 2″ (157 cm)

·         Weight: 117 pounds (53 kg)

·         Weight in Pounds: 117 pounds

·         Bra Size: 32B

·         Cup Size: B

·         Shoe Size: 7 (US)

·         Body Measurements: 34-24-37

Her body measurement is a testimony to a strict diet and rigorous exercise regimen. She has three things working for her. First is her personal trainer, Anna Kaiser, who is also her best friend. Second is her dance-centric exercises. Third is her healthy eating habits which include eating small portions multiple times a day

Who’s Anna Kaiser?

Anna Kaiser has trained Shakira for 13 years and has been with the pop star even in difficult times. Also, Shakira counts on her trainer for everything. Her trainer provided emotional support during her recent divorce from her soccer husband Gerard Pique. Also, her trainer was with her when she moved from Barcelona to Miami with her sons Milan (9) … Read More

Blake Lively Fitness and Beauty Tips

Is taking enough sleep the secret behind Blake Lively’s stunning figure? Her PT had once revealed that the superstar had created healthy habits around workouts. The Gossip Girl star is a mother of four with the latest child born in February 2023 but her figure tells a different story. She looks much younger than her age. She has garnered 45M fans on social media and everyone wants to know the secret behind her age-defying beautiful body.

Her trainer Don Saladino proudly says, “Blake Lively never counts calories. She focuses on fitness and works hard to achieve her fitness goals.”

Here are some tips inspired by Blake Lively’s healthy lifestyle

1. She begins her day with a glass of water

Hydration is her top priority in the early morning followed by a sumptuous breakfast and you will be surprised to know that she doesn’t deprive herself of anything she loves. Her breakfast comprises a couple of eggs cooked in coconut oil but she doesn’t mind adding some fresh vegetables to the egg recipe. If she’s really hungry, she adds some gluten-free oats with some fruits to her breakfast. Proper hydration and sufficient nutrition balance her sugar levels, keep her full for a long time, and give her the energy to keep going.

2. She eats nutrient-dense diet

Blake Lively is a foodie but she never compromises on the quality of food, especially after becoming a caring mother. She wants to strike a balance in her personal and professional life and it is possible only when she eats healthy. Her diet includes proteins, fresh vegetables, juicy fruits, healthy fats like avocado, and slow-burning starches like sweet potato. Since she doesn’t count calories, she keeps feeding her body proteins and carbs to get energy. Also, she consumes lots of sweets. According to Blake Lively, she relishes hot chocolate in breakfast and needs at least a few squares of dark chocolate after every meal. 

3. She follows a consistent exercise regimen

Blake Lively isn’t a gym enthusiast but she trains hard at least 5-6 days a week with each session lasting for up to 75 minutes. She starts exercises with foam-rolling followed by five … Read More

Natalie-Portman-Beauty diet

Natalie Portman Beauty, Diet, and Fitness Lifestyle

Natalie-Portman-Beauty diet

American actress Natalie Portman has a super-enviable figure. Also, she works hard on her diet and fitness to maintain her figure. Natalie Portman has been a vegetarian since childhood and she went fully vegan after reading the book Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. Today she credits her figure and fitness to her vegan diet and lifestyle.

Life-journey of Natalie Portman

A Harvard graduate and Columbia University guest lecturer, Natalie Portman has been a promising student throughout her academic life. She is an avid reader and speaks multiple languages including French, Japanese, German, and Arabic. Also, she has become a life-long advocate for animal rights. Her acting career is as fabulous as her academic life. She has been a child star since twelve and on growing up she received many awards and accolades including a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Let’s see what this vegan actress and animal-rights activist has to share about her beauty and fitness

Strength Training

Exercise is important but a busy work schedule and the responsibility of two kids under 10 make it difficult for her to adhere to a routine. So, how does she train her strength?

She runs three times a week for a full hour. She loves running and even said that running was like meditation to her. She also practices gyrotonics. It is a combination of Pilates, yoga, gymnastics, dancing, swimming, and the Chinese martial art Tai chi. Her fitness routine doesn’t stop here as is also a big fan of Ashtanga yoga. Sometimes she laughingly says that she tries everything to stay fit.

Natalie Portman keeps changing exercises according to her roles. But one thing she never changes is her diet. She is a vegan and she adheres to a vegan diet. It will be interesting to know how she meets her nutritional demand while limiting her food choices to vegan only.


Natalie Portman starts her day with oatmeal and avocado toast. Her breakfast also includes chickpeas, salad, and tahini. Oatmeal is a healthy choice for breakfast and an avocado toast is sufficient to provide her energy to keep going. Also, salad and tahini add different … Read More

Tess Daly’s Beauty

Tess Daly has a knack for looking graceful. This television presenter and beauty guru does not only amuse her viewers by being funny in front of the camera, but also enchants them with her youthful look. Her natural beauty, good health, and youthful complexion are primarily due to her skincare routine and healthy lifestyle which we will study here. Understand how she keeps appearing so irresistibly beautiful even without any make-up by using some certain products on her skin.

Skin Care Essentials: Simplicity is Key

Her favorite 3 are the main components she calls the holy grail of her skin treatment. After this, she finishes with a good moisturizer to soothe and make her skin super soft. She always markets her face with a really nice and effective sunscreen even in the clouded sky.

Tip for You: Keep it simple with a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen when your skin is a bit rough. It’s more beneficial to keep the routine stable than trying a bunch of products.

Make up: Less is More

For Tess, it’s mostly the case of overlaying imperfect skin with the help of the makeup. She appears more even, thanks to light-colored foundation, which also makes her cheeks pop. Her go-to artificial appearance has only a bit of mascara (to crust her eyes) and a nudes lipstick (for a real finish) in it.

Tip for You: Try to apply fewer makeup products to emphasize your features. A foundation can be used less frequently and more preferably, you may go for a color that perfectly combines with your skin tone.

Hair Care: Keeping it Healthy

Tess Daly loves her stylish blonde hair and takes great care of her hair. Weekly hair treatments can help with frizz and flyaways, so she doesn’t require a lot of washing. She also deep conditions her hair once a week to keep it strong and shiny.

Tip for You: If you want to have shiny and slick hair, do not shampoo your hair every day. In between those shampoo washes, you can also use a dry shampoo and make sure to do a deep conditioner treatment for your hair each week.

Fitness: Staying … Read More

The Most Iconic Beauty Looks from Award Shows

The Most Iconic Beauty Looks from Award Shows

1. Audrey Hepburn at the 1954 Academy Awards

Audrey Hepburn’s timeless elegance shone brightly at the 1954 Academy Awards, where she won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in “Roman Holiday.” Her look featured delicate eyeliner, full brows, and a soft, sophisticated updo. Hepburn’s style has since become synonymous with classic Hollywood glamour, and her beauty look from that night remains one of the most iconic in award show history.

2. Elizabeth Taylor at the 1961 Oscars

Elizabeth Taylor captivated the world with her beauty and poise when she accepted the Best Actress award for “Butterfield 8” at the 1961 Oscars. With her signature bold eyeliner, voluminous lashes, and a striking red lip, Taylor’s look was completed by her exquisite diamond necklace, making it a defining moment in award show beauty.

3. Cher at the 1986 Academy Awards

Cher made a bold and unforgettable statement at the 1986 Academy Awards with her daring outfit and dramatic makeup. Her look featured bold eye makeup, with heavy eyeliner and lashes, paired with a nude lip. Cher’s fearless approach to fashion and beauty set a new standard for individuality and self-expression on the red carpet.

4. Halle Berry at the 2002 Oscars

Halle Berry’s stunning appearance at the 2002 Oscars, where she won Best Actress for “Monster’s Ball,” remains a highlight in red carpet history. Her makeup was radiant, with a bronzed glow, shimmering eyeshadow, and a nude lip, perfectly complementing her pixie haircut and the iconic Elie Saab gown.

5. Lupita Nyong’o at the 2014 Academy Awards

Lupita Nyong’o’s beauty look at the 2014 Oscars, where she won Best Supporting Actress for “12 Years a Slave,” was a moment of pure elegance. Her luminous skin, natural makeup, and a bold red lip were perfectly complemented by her short, natural hair adorned with a delicate headband.

6. Lady Gaga at the 2019 Oscars

Lady Gaga’s transformation at the 2019 Oscars was a masterclass in old Hollywood glamour. Her look, inspired by Audrey Hepburn, featured flawless, glowing skin, winged eyeliner, and a soft nude lip. The centerpiece of her look was the 128.54-carat Tiffany diamond necklace, making her the epitome of red … Read More

India Matches Schedule in Olympics 2024 on July 27

India Matches Schedule in Olympics 2024 on July 27

The Paris 2024 Olympics are in full swing, and July 27 is a significant day for Indian athletes. Here is a detailed schedule of the events and matches involving Indian participants on this day:

Morning Matches:

  1. Badminton:
    • Men’s Singles: The Indian contender will be competing in the early rounds starting at 8:30 AM. This match is crucial for advancing to the next stage of the tournament.
    • Women’s Doubles: The Indian duo will take to the court at 10:00 AM. A strong performance here is essential for progressing in the competition.
  2. Hockey:
    • Women’s Team: The Indian women’s hockey team will face Argentina at 11:30 AM. This match is part of the group stage, and a victory would be pivotal for securing a place in the knockout rounds.

Afternoon Matches:

  1. Table Tennis:
    • Men’s Singles: The Indian table tennis player will compete in the singles category at 12:30 PM. This match is critical for maintaining a strong position in the tournament.
    • Women’s Singles: Scheduled for 2:00 PM, the Indian competitor will aim to advance to the later stages of the competition with a solid performance.
  2. Athletics:
    • Women’s 200 Meters Heats: Starting at 3:00 PM, the Indian sprinter will race in the heats, aiming to qualify for the semi-finals.
    • Men’s High Jump: At 4:30 PM, the Indian high jumper will compete, hoping to secure a spot in the final round.

Evening Matches:

  1. Wrestling:
    • Freestyle 74 kg (Men’s): The Indian wrestler will enter the mat at 5:30 PM. A win here is crucial for moving forward in the competition.
    • Freestyle 57 kg (Women’s): Scheduled for 7:00 PM, the Indian wrestler will compete in her category, aiming for a podium finish.
  2. Shooting:
    • 50 Meters Rifle Three Positions (Men’s): The Indian shooter will participate in this event at 6:00 PM. Precision and focus will be key to advancing to the finals.
    • 10 Meters Air Pistol (Women’s): At 8:00 PM, the Indian shooter will compete, with hopes of clinching a medal in this highly competitive event.

The Indian athletes are poised for a day filled with … Read More

Misadventures in Online Dating

The Funniest Profiles and Messages of 2024: In the race to be the first to be found and look more caring than others, people, especially men make weird mistakes with their dating profiles. Also, they didn’t notice their mistakes and went to post their funny profiles on online dating platforms.

10 examples of the funniest dating profiles that will make you smile

1. “I can’t cook, but I can order takeout like a pro. If you’re a foodie who’s as indecisive as I am, let’s be indecisive together.”

Another foodie trying his skills for 2024 romance. He presents himself as a great foodie and a pro at ordering food from takeaways. Also, he can’t choose food as he is indecisive in ordering food items.

2. “If you can handle my endless sushi cravings and appreciate the art of chopsticks, swipe right. Bonus points if you can recommend the best sushi joint in town.”

A sushi lover searching for a partner ends on online dating humor when he confesses endless cravings for sushi and wants someone to help him find sushi joints. He needs a waiter more than a partner. Isn’t it? 

3. “On a quest for someone who can keep up with my spontaneous adventures and tolerate my terrible karaoke skills. Bonus points if you can serenade me back!”

Women beware! This bio has a hidden message for all of you. He has terrible karaoke skills and he wants his partner to tolerate him. Hilarious messages like this would make you run for your life.

4. “My idea of a perfect day includes adrenaline, roller coasters, and heart-pounding adventures. Swipe right if you’re ready to be my partner in crime on the wildest rides.”

Swipe right on this profile, if you want to make your life more challenging. You will get thrill, excitement, and adventure, but miss love. One of the worst dating fails. Isn’t it?

5. “I like my relationships how I like my movies – full of plot twists, laughter, and a few explosions. Swipe right for the rom-com of a lifetime.”

If you are a movie buff, you can join this person … Read More